Saturday, June 27, 2009


Summer's finally here!Summer's been here for about two weeks where I live.The first thing I did for summer break was clean my room and play with some of my friends.Next,my brothers friends which are also my friends spent the night.The next day my family and friends that slept over went to the movies and saw Transformers Revenge of the Fallen.then we went to the parkand my friends got to stay the night one more night in a row and so we played nerf at 10:00 at night to 12:00 at night.The next day we went to the park again then took our friends home and got to play at thier house for a little bit.The next day I had to help clean the house cause it was dirty and because my grandma,grandpa,two of my aunts, and one of my uncles were coming to visit.A couple of days after that my family and I are going to Utah to visit our family.That's my Summer.

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